Each instrument is accessible through the Winateq interface for easy setting of test parameters.
The interface reproduces graphically the interface of ATEQ’s instruments and lets you operate them with the click of a mouse.
You can set an administrator and a user level, so once you have set your parameters, you can lock the interface and simply display PASS and REJECT lights for the operator.
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This is so much easier to understand things when you can watch them happening.
And to make sure you don’t lose hours of data and set up, the software includes a back up system.[/one_half] [one_half last=“no“] Finally, the Winateq comes with statistical features that will let you watch closely the evolution of your production.
You could even have your results exported to Excel if you wished so.
The Winateq has also been developed so that you could customised it to suit your own needs.
So please, contact one of our engineers if you wish to know how far the Winateq can go for you.[/one_half]
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This means that you can fixture your test part and run multiple tests on it, such as :
- Electrical tests
- Leak tests
- Flow tests
- Pressure tests
- Volume tests
- …

And, with Sesame You can store as many different test programs as you need.
Handy when you have to manage extensive product ranges !
Once programmed, Sesame will let you run your test cycle as you programmed it and give a red or green light to the operator.
[one_half last=“no“] The tests results can then be saved or printed on labels that the operator can stick on the product itself.But what will really impress you is the ease of use of Sesame.
Its interface is clear and easy to understand while remaining extremely powerful function wise.
ATEQ is the first customer of Sesame as we use it to build special test rigs for special orders.[/one_half]
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Large corporations in industries ranging from appliances to the automotive use Sesame all year long to test Gas burners, Cars fluids reservoirs, Irons, …
Main features:
- Simple installation with system configuration back up
- Lets you configure the system, including the instruments, their parameters, the connections …
Database management for the following:
- Instruments
- Test parameters
- Tests ranges depending on the parts to be tested
- Access level management (user / administrator)
- Open development plateform, so you can customise Sesame to your specific needs.